Fractional Laser

Fractional Laser

Everyone dreams about nourished skin tone and wants it forever. The fractional laser also known as fractional laser resurfacing is an anti-aging treatment. This consists of multiple laser sessions which take care of wrinkles, fine lines in the skin, age spots, uneven skin tone and other skin damages. The skin problems start getting vanished with successive laser sessions.

 This is a non-invasive treatment where a laser beam is divided and delivered into thousands of microscopic zones of the target skin. The laser beams vaporise the microscopic zones leaving behind untreated tissues in the surrounding. New collagen is then created through natural healing which will replace the affected tissues. The affected tissues are replaced with new collagen and skin texture and softness starts improving with healing.

These laser beams can activate collagen production, which is the main factor behind the elasticity and smoothness of the skin thus preserving the youth after the thirties. Fractional laser treatments have overcome the shortcomings of ablative and non-ablative laser treatment, which treats skin damages due to sunburns.

Reliant Technologies was the first to introduce the fractional laser device which used a non-ablative beam of 1550-nm wavelength.

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